Although it is more effective to write your own personalized
letter when
you contact your representative, feel free to use the
following letter if
you choose. If you have time, forward the reply
to one of the Hungarian
Human Rights organizations listed on the main page.
It is also recommended
that you write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
and help inform
your community about this important decision. Use
this address to find your
June 17, 2002
The Honorable Robert Torricelli
United States Senate
Committees on Foreign Relations, Joint Economic, Finance,
Governmental Affairs,
Rules and Administration
113 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-3003
Dear Senator Torricelli,
I am writing to urge that you oppose Romania's candidacy
to join the N.A.T.O.
Alliance. Romania's persecution of the Hungarian
population in Transylvania is
well documented, and has been described in the Congressional
Record as
'ethnocide', and 'cultural genocide'. It has now
been twelve years since the fall of
communism in Eastern Europe, and the more than 2 million
Hungarians of
Transylvania still suffer from discrimination, and attacks
by Romanian extremists.
Romania's failure to fulfill both it's obligations to
respect Human Rights, and it's
promises to comply with these obligations, make that
country undeserving of
joining the N.A.T.O. Alliance.
Part of Hungary for 1000 years, Transylvania was
transferred to Romania after the
first World War, by the Treaty of Trianon. Despite
the clauses in the Treaty of
Trianon that require Romania to observe Human Rights
norms, the Hungarian
population living in Transylvania has been subjected
to institutionalized
discrimination, as well as state sponsored terror. This
has ranged from the
dismantling of the Hungarian language educational system,
to the confiscation of
private and Church property, to the arrest, imprisonment
and torture of community
leaders. Since the fall of the communist regime,
Romania has failed to provide the
necessary financial restitution, and the return of property
confiscated to their
rightful owners, while continuing policies designed to
ethnically cleanse the
Hungarian population.
Recently, Romania has embarked upon a policy designed
to improve its
international image, while simultaneously continuing
their policies of forced
assimilation and "colonization" of Hungarian majority
areas. The main tool in this
effort is the state funded building of Romanian Orthodox
Churches in Hungarian
majority areas (most Hungarians being Catholic
or Protestant). The deliberate
design in this is to attract Romanian settlers, dilute
the Hungarian presence, and
change the ethnic balance of the region in favor of Romanians.
This occurs while
Hungarian churches, and even Romanian ones in other parts
of the country remain
A closely related issue is the failure of the Romanian
government to return church
properties that were illegally confiscated during the
communist era. The four
historic Hungarian religious denominations (Roman Catholic,
Protestant, Lutheran
and Unitarian) have extensive documentation of at least
2,091 church properties
illegally confiscated from them between 1945-1989.
None of these properties-save
six- have been returned to their rightful owners.
A similar situation exists in
regard to private property that was confiscated from
their legal owners. No
meaningful restitution has of yet been provided.
Hungarians in Transylvania have been continually harassed
and treated as second
class citizens. This has been especially true in the
towns of Cluj Napoca
(Kolozsvár) where the ultra-nationalist Mayor,
Gheorghe Funar has repeatedly
violated the Law on Public Administration, adopted May
23, 2001 This law
mandates the use of the native language in localities
where the given minority
population exceeds 20 percent and includes the display
of bilingual government
institution, street- and place name signs in these settlements.
Outside of compactly
Hungarian-inhabited areas though, this law is blatantly
ignored despite the will of
the people. Moreover, those in a position to intervene
on the part of the central
government refuse to do so.
The refusal on the part of the Romanian authorities to
restore the Hungarian
territorial autonomy that had existed from 1952-1968,
as well as the independence
of the Hungarian Bolyai University, which was forcibly
merged with the state run
Babes University in 1959 are also matters of great concern.
In addition, Antal
Reiner, the last ethnic Hungarian still imprisoned for
participation in revolutionary
acts related to the 1989 overthrow of communism must
be immediately released
from prison.
There are those who believe that by extending N.A.T.O.
membership to Romania,
that country will respond by adopting western norms of
Human Rights, I believe
that respect for Human Rights should be a precondition
to membership in the
N.A.T.O. Alliance, otherwise we run the risk of weakening
N.A.T.O. Until
Romania faithfully fulfills it's Human Rights obligations,
Romania should not be
admitted into the N.A.T.O. Alliance. What is your
position on this important issue?